Buffalo Broccoli?

I stayed at work a little later than usual last night, so I decided to stop by my parents house to grab some goodies they had left over from our trip (6 Chobanis, agave nectar, a banana, and my z bars)!

It was close to 7pm, so I just ate dinner there.

Snack Plate: Piece of oat bread, cracked pepper triscuits, scoops, salsa, red pepper hummus and cherry tomatoes!

This was followed by steamed broccoli with parmesan cheese and Frank’s!

MMM Buffalo Broccoli!!!

It seems that my parents ALWAYS have fresh cookies when I’m there…so I had one (and a half) sugar cookies before I left!

I made it home just in time to watch Idol, phew! I snacked on some dried apricots while watching and also did some paperwork, washed dishes, made lunch and prepared overnight oats. I call that “active commercial breaks.”  ;)

I made my oats with a peach Chobani, 1/3 cup oats, 2 pinches chia seeds and some unsweetened soy.

I topped the oats with some cereal and had OJ and day old coffee!

I really enjoyed the oats and they were a great time saver!

I hope my lunch today is ok. I packed it Monday night but forgot it yesterday! We’ll see…

Today’s agenda:

  • Stop by leasing office to talk bitch about the tow situation and get my new laundry card.
  • Head to the gym for cardio (if my legs allow me).
  • Shower, eat dinner, pack work clothes, make lunch
  • Head to z’s for a celebration sleepover. What are we celebrating? Getting rid of my monster hands :)

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